Today, we're joined by Dion Williams. Dion, an agent at our ILMB Mortgage Pros from Ottawa, Ontario, has learnt how important it is to find a brokerage where you fit.
Dion is here to discuss a deal that he lost when he first started, and some of the takeaways from being a part of ILMB Mortgage Pros.
Dion Williams' Website: www.williamsmortgage.ca
Dion Williams' Email: dion@williamsmortgage.ca
Dion Williams' Instagram: @williamsmortgage
Dion Williams' LinkedIn: @DionWilliams
The I Love Mortgage Brokering Network is now brought to you by Finmo. To learn more, visit: www.finmo.ca/ilmb
I Love Mortgage Brokering: www.ilovemortgagebrokering.com
Find out more about ILMB Mortgage Pros: www.rookietorockstar.ca
Find out more about the $25 Million Dollar Blueprint: www.get25million.com
Find out more about the 10 Loans A Month Academy: www.10loansamonth.com