Friday Feb 04, 2022
25: How Jessica Shea Funded 49 Mortgages in 12 Months and When Should She Hire?
Today, we're joined by Jessica Shea. Jessica, a mortgage agent from Omemee, Ontario, funded 20 mortgages in her first 6 months in 2020, and 49 mortgages in her first full year in 2021.
Jessica is here to discuss her transition from her previous business to a broker, how she solved challenging files, and if she should hire an assistant.
Jessica Shea's Website: www.jessicashea.ca
Jessica Shea's Instagram: @jessicasheamortgages
Jessica Shea's Facebook: @jessicasheamortgages
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Find out more about ILMB Mortgage Pros: www.rookietorockstar.ca
Find out more about the $25 Million Dollar Blueprint: www.get25million.com
Find out more about the 10 Loans A Month Academy: www.10loansamonth.com