Friday May 14, 2021
9: Henriques Goes Full Time in the Mortgage Biz & Yzabelle Nails Her First Realtor Pitch
On episode 9 of the "My First $5 Million" podcast, Scott talks with Henriques about how he just left his family business to do mortgages full time, and with Yzabelle about how she used the "Perfect Realtor Pitch" to set up a webinar with a Realtor.
If you are listening and would like to get to your first $5 million, go to www.get5million.com to check out how you can participate!
Yzabelle’s Website: www.yzabellemortgages.ca
Follow Yzabelle on Instagram/Facebook: @yzabelle.mortgages
Yzabelle on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/yzabellesanico
Henriques' Website: www.henriqueslevy.ca
Follow Henriques on Instagram/Tik Tok: @henriques.levy.mortgages
Henriques on Facebook: @levymortgages
Scott's Email: scott@ilovemortgagebrokering.com
I Love Mortgage Brokering: www.ilovemortgagebrokering.com